Ask Dr. Wise: Over The Counter Medications – Our Reality Barriers Are Broken Down What’s more dangerous, a federally controlled narcotic or the ingredients commonly found in over the counter medications? The answer is perhaps not as straightforward as you … Continue reading →

Ask Dr. Wise: Over The Counter Medications – Our Reality Barriers Are Broken Down

What’s more dangerous, a federally controlled narcotic or the ingredients commonly found in over the counter medications?

The answer is perhaps not as straightforward as you might think.

And if you live your life believing that others, including governmental agencies, are protecting you from harm, listen in to this segment of the Ask Dr. Wise show.  You’ll come away with a different perspective, one that could protect you and your family from potential harm.

Marketeers with multimillion dollar budgets working for global enterprises  employ every conceivable proven trick in the book to promote and sell tons of over the counter products using puppets, cartoon characters and computer generated images.

They make these products appear to be so safe that we’re inclined to bath in them…what could happen?

Listen in and find out.