We mostly hear from people who have had a concussion months to years ago who are still struggling with symptoms. They always tell us, I wish that I had come across this information earlier and I wouldn’t be in this situation right now.

The current scientific research demonstrates that between 30-40% of people who suffer a concussion will still be suffering symptoms 1 month later and many will still have symptoms at 6 months. The major reasons why some patients suffer from persistent symptoms and others don’t is becoming more widely known - THE GOOD NEWS is that once you know these, you can use them to your advantage!

This episode is for those who have JUST recently suffered a concussion and want to start off on the right foot to recover as quickly as possible. Using the strategies we discuss in this episode are the same ways that Complete Concussion Management clinics have been able to keep the number of patients with symptoms after 1 month down to less than 5%.
Please share this if you know someone who has just suffered a concussion so that they can implement these strategies and avoid long-term issues.

For previous podcast episodes, visit: https://completeconcussions.com/resources/ask-concussion-doc/

Healthcare Practitioners: https://completeconcussions.com/services-courses/healthcare-practitioners/become-a-clinic/

Coaches/Trainers/Teachers: https://completeconcussions.com/services-courses/sports-schools/

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This is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of doctors and/or healthcare professionals. Patients should consult their physician and/or healthcare providers in matters relating to their health, and in particular, with respect to any concussion and/or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

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