On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah Podcast, Canada business immigration lawyer Evelyn Ackah talks to American expat Marla Brock, the Founder and CEO of Kidcoover, Vancouver's leading resource for babysitters, nannies and au pairs and Canada's fastest-growing childcare agency.

Marla started the company while on maternity leave with her third child. She is a former lawyer and began her legal career in California's Silicon Valley, practiced law in Miami and later worked as a director of strategy at a publicly traded company in Vancouver. In life, I really believe that it's "not what you know, but what you do with what you know." Marla has also founded Cleancoover (an on-demand residential cleaning company), Carecoover (eldercare, home support and respite care) and Coover Immigration, (an immigration firm that specializes in the needs of foreign labourers).

Work Permits for Home Caregivers in Canada A live-in caregiver in Canada must be qualified to provide care for the elderly, disabled or children. They work in private homes and do not have direct supervision as they do their jobs. Contact us today at 403-452-9515 or email us directly.

As in so many other parts of the world, though, there is a high demand for workers of this kind, and it is not unusual for foreign workers to seek employment as live-in caregivers in all parts of Canada. To accommodate the demand for this huge labour pool, the LCP or Home Caregiver Program was created by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Learn More:

New In-Home Caregiver Programs Open For Applications Live-in Caregiver Program Ending November 29, 2019 Program Update: Open Work Permits Under the Interim Pathway for Caregivers

Ackah Law Can Help Your Canadian Dream Come True

For more information on immigration to Canada or the United States, contact Ackah Business Immigration today at (403) 452‑9515 or email us directly at [email protected].