Ackah Law is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) immigration policies and news, and following the health and travel recommendations that are evolving due to the worldwide crisis. We are dedicated to helping our clients do the same. We want to share our approach with you and assure you of our commitment to maintaining uninterrupted immigration legal services during this global pandemic.

Ackah Business Immigration Law is open for business to help people by telephone, email, and skype and zoom, etc. The health and safety of our team, our families, our clients and our community are our main priorities. If you need immigration legal advice now or you think you're going to need it in a week, or a month or six weeks from, we want to help you get your immigration applications ready now. The Canadian immigration office, IRCC, will definitely be backlogged, given all the travel challenges. Start your immigration process now: Don't wait, thinking that things will get easier later.

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