Welcome to September! A period of renewal… and productive energy. If there were ever a time to kick off dating.. It’s now. It’s also time for Season 2 of the Ask a Matchmaker podcast!

This week we’re kicking off our new feature, the Ask a Matchmaker Hotline! Matchmaker Maria is here to answer your dating and relationship questions. If you have a question and want to be on a future episode, be sure to follow Maria on Instagram @MatchmakerMaria to know when she’ll open up the hotline next to get in!

Things discussed this week include...

Is it okay for women to ask men out first?Is it okay to go on a first date over the weekend?How do you find dates when moving to a new country?What should you do if you find yourself withdrawing from someone you’re dating?How do you tell someone you went on a date with that they’re just not the right fit for you?

Follow Maria on Instagram at http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

If you’d like to learn more about Agape Match’s services or enroll in an upcoming Agape Intensive, visit agapematch.com/services