Mikael Cho is the Co-Founder and CEO of Unsplash, a crowd-sourced photo service platform with over 300 million users and over 1 million free high-resolution photos.  Founded in 2013 as a humble Tumblr blog, Unsplash has grown into an industry-leading visual community. It’s become a source of inspiration for everyone from award-winning writers like Deepak Chopra to industry-titans like Apple, and millions of creators worldwide. On this episode I chat with Mikael about growing up in a small town in Wisconsin, how career shadowing in college helped him figure out what to do with his career, and what it is like to co-found a company with your significant other. Hope you enjoy this episode and this wraps up our last podcast of 2019 - see you in 2020 :) 


Follow Mikael: https://twitter.com/mikaelcho
Learn more about Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/

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