Previous Episode: KOFFIA Preview 2017

Calvin, the 26 year old songwriter from Indonesia who goes under the alias PERSONEINVACANZE is a passionate musician who doesn't like to be limited to one genre. That's why one day you can listen to his electro song and the next, you'll hear an R'n'B track from him. Calvin started working on music in 2009, but its now with his release of the club track "+62" that we have really taken notice of him.

So whats the meaning behind '+62' and what does it stand for? Well it refers to the international phone code of Indonesia, the setting of this awesome new track, but when the musician wrote the song, the meaning actually stood for more than just that. It is the artists symbol of liberation from the pressures of having to be like everyone else, to fall in line or to do what is expected of him as a young guy growing up and trying to make his mark on the world.

The pressures of everyday life and having to do what everyone expects you to do may have been the motivation behind the song for Calvin, but its a light bulb moment that we don't all get to have until much later in our lives, admirable that at the age of 26, Calvin has already discovered that about himself and is carving a way forward.

Escape from everyday life and listen to Asian Pop Radio's Jay John and Jhube as they get to know Calvin and his work. Head to now to watch the music video, you can also hear the song during this podcast.

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