In recent years, as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has grown in economic size, military strength and international influence, it has become more active in Antarctica. This has led to worries that Beijing’s ambitions extend further than just scientific research and fishing.

Concerns have been raised about the PRC wanting to exploit Antarctica’s mineral and fossil energy resources and militarise the continent. There has been speculation that the PRC is even planning to make its own territorial claims.

A La Trobe Asia event in collaboration with Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) and China Matters to launch a new policy research report "China’s Antarctic ambitions - and their implications for Australia" by Yun Jiang.


- Yun Jiang (AIIA China Matters Fellow)

- Assoc. Professor Nengye Liu (School of Law, Singapore Management University)

- Richard Maude (Senior Fellow, Asia Society Australia)

- Professor Nick Bisley (Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University)(Chair)

Recorded on 3 August, 2022.