birthdays/events Demitri!
how tough is the first year of parenting?  pretty tough!!!
word of the day
what "cleaning category" do you put yourself in?
would like a video portal locally that connects to another city's video portal?  
game: nascar facts
what not to do if you find someone else's lost cc
would you rather go to a summer fantasy camp or a traditional summer camp?
game: songs that were in movies
game: movie password
if you could ask your future self one question...what would it be?
goodbye/fun facts....national walnut day...They may not be as popular as almonds or peanuts, but walnuts are great for your heart, your brain, and your bones; you can incorporate them into any meal; and they’ve literally been around for almost 10,000 years. The first historical account of walnut cultivation dates back to Babylon. in the 1800's European walnuts are shipped from England to North America where it becomes a popular tree. and they're more than just food: Ink still made today from walnut husks is said to have been used by Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt for writing and drawing; shells are crushed for use as landscape mulch; and the abrasive quality of ground walnut shells also makes them useful in cleaning products.