do you 'extra tidy up' when guests are coming over?
word of the day
do you have a specific way you make your sandwiches/burgers etc.  (i.e. peanut butter on the bread and jelly in the middle:
when you you just hit the pre-set tip amounts?
when someone tell you "you're probably not going to like this at first but you'll get used to it" (ashley's story)
game: prison commissary price is right
game: nba quiz
mixed use buildings...would you want to live in one?
game: Outburst
weird things in people's yard
goodbye/fun facts....National Military Spouse Appreciation Day is an annual observance that takes place on the Friday preceding Mother’s Day. It shows appreciation for the commitment and sacrifice that the spouses of service members make, together with the rest of the family, while they’re away on the mission to defend the country. The role of the military spouse can be very challenging, given that they often relocate the family, sometimes with little notice....they help their children adjust to new schools and friends.  if you know a military spouse:  Offer assistanceif you can in practical matters such as childcare, household chores, or running errands.