there may be a solution to having our toothpaste locked up in cabinets at the store!
word of the day
game: just over $2,000 pyramid
employees don't make as many mistakes when music is tell your boss to: "lock it in and rip the knob off"!!
what's the most 'you'll understand when you get older' thing you've have to explain to your kids
game: geneva reads song lyrics
zillow did a survey...and most americans want this football player as a neighbor.  would you want a famous athlete to live near you?
feel good story
game: groundhog day movie trivia
would you want to travel to the setting of your favorite show?
"goodbye/fun facts....Heavenly hash is a candy mixed with lots of ingredients. The bar versions of Heavenly Hash use condensed milk along with chocolate chips, marshmallows, and nuts....but it has made appearances in ice-creams, fudge, salads, and jell-o. The origin of Heavenly Hash dates back to 1923 when it emerged as a candy for the first time. The candy was made up of a crust filled with marshmallows. The center was composed of two roasted almonds, and the whole assembly was covered in chocolate. This candy was manufactured and marketed by the Elmer Candy Corporation and remains available today.