birthdays/events NELL ANN!
how do you feel about group texts...especially if you're in several
word of the day
what are your super bowl plans this year?
game: guess that celebrity singer
listener feedback break
have you ever asked a 'dumb question' just to be social or start a conversation?
game: kc and the sunshine band trivia
if you could have free meals for life from any fast food restaurant...which one and why?
should deepfakes be offered as a class in school?
game: outburst
goodbye/fun facts....national hot chocolate day...Few beverages are as deep-rooted in culture of Americans’ collective childhood quite like hot chocolate. but it all started in 500 b.c. The Ancient Mayans drank chocolate made from crushed cocoa seeds mixed in water and chili peppers. in 1876 Swiss Chocolatier Daniel Peter created the first milk chocolate by combining powdered milk with chocolate. and in 1961 Popular hot chocolate manufacturer Swiss Miss started selling its first powdered hot chocolate that could be mixed with water instead of milk. Today there's an endless array of hot chocolate concoctions: Mexican hot chocolate, white hot chocolate, creme de menthe hot chocolate, gingerbread hot chocolate....go grab a mug and enjoy