birthdays/events KATIE 21st
best products for lazy cooks
word of the day
should boomers move out of their big homes so other generations can move in?
game: slogan game
a travel expert says travelers don't have a right to overhead space near their seat....WHAT?!?!
game: battle of the sexes part 1
game: battle of the sexes part 2
this 70's/80's trend is coming back (ashley's parents loved going to these)
(glassdoor) best companies to work for in 2024
(mental floss) weird record holders around the u.s.
goodbye/fun facts....Tenderness Toward Existence Day...There are over 8 billion people who live on Earth, and we all share our home with over 8.7 million other species. Every single one of these species is unique and plays an important role in their environment. All creatures are dependent on each other. the word ‘Existence’ simply means ‘life,’ ‘the state of living,’ from the Latin words ‘ex’ and ‘sistere,’ which mean ‘out’ and ‘to take a stand’ respectively. With the rapid acceleration in human development, thousands and thousands of species of animals are going extinct every year. Human activity is solely responsible for this. so take note of not only your space and existance....but your friends and family and all the creatures that live around you