what's something (non academic related) that you learned in 37 recipes using ramen noodles.
word of the day
game: is ashley as smart as 5th grader
when do you go into "fall mode"
someone paid $189,000 for freddie mercury's mustached comb!!  what celebrity item would pay big money for?
are you super particular about your holiday decorating or do you just put up the bare minimum
game: battle of the sexes part 1
game: battle of the sexes part 2
what veggie(s) do you love fresh...but refused to eat canned
would you hire your college mascot for a personal event if you could?
goodbye/fun facts....national string cheese day...String cheese refers to variations of cheese where the proteins are aligned to make the cheese stringy. When heated up to 140°F and stretched, the milk proteins in mozzarella cheese line up, making it possible to peel strips or ‘strings’. The first style of string cheese appears in Mexico, created by 14-year-old Leobarda Castellanos García in 1885...but in 1976 Frank Baker has been credited with inventing cheese sticks.  He didn’t much care for shredded or cubed mozzarella cheese.  He debuted it at parties and bars to get some public opinion and by 1996 you could find them in just about every grocery store around the world