if you could rent one of those road side warning signs for your home...what would you have it say?
word of the day
which jobs/sectors spend the most time on their feet/walk the most
game: 5 second rule state has something beautiful to see in the fall
what do you fear most about getting old?  70% are concerned about who will take care of them
game: mind the gap
top decorating trends for fall
do you 'eat mindfully'?
game: speak out
goodbye/fun facts....national felt hat day...Historically, men and women wore hats as protection and status symbols, too. This time of year, people traded in the lighter, cooler straw hat for the warmer felt hat.  It is also a great day to connect with the history of hats — a bond that goes all the way to the bronze age. While primarily made from wool, felt can also be made from the fur of other animals. Usually, rabbit and beaver...there is an episode of 'how it's made' it!