bed makers vs. non bed makers (personality list)
word of the day
do you have F.O.B.O.
game: would you rather?
holiday time is coming...strategies to de-compress when you're feeling overwhelmed
a huge name in fast food might be getting rid of self serve soda fountains
game: guess that celebrity voice (in another language)
if a server went would it impact your life?  (ashley couldn't pay a bill the other day)
upcycle your dryer lint
game: movie taglines
goodbye/fun facts....Positive Thinking Day...It’s easy to be pessimistic and cynical about things — which is not entirely bad because it prepares you for the worst.  However, too much negativity can have an adverse impact on our emotional well-being.  positive thinking is not just good for our emotional well-being, but also our mental health. It has the power to reduce the risk of heart diseases, and alleviate stress and anxiety.  One of the best ways to start thinking positively is by catching your thoughts and reframing them. If you find yourself having a negative reaction to a situation, acknowledge it...and try to change your perspective....keep in mind You are more likely to feel happy in the company of happy people, or a happy situation.