would your prefer to spend some of your holiday budget to stay in a hotel when visiting friends/relatives or use that alloted money for gifts?
word of the day
did you take shope or woodworking in high school?  do you still have what you made?
game: almost 6 year old trivia
the newest fall fashion...really?!?!
certain foods really do taste better at the restaurant!  do you agree?
game: quiz
game: feud
many people used lemons for cleaning...but there are some things you should never use lemons to clean
would you want to stay in a celebrity's air bnb?
"goodbye/fun facts....National Simplify Your Life Week involves getting rid of physical and psychological clutter that may hinder one from living a peaceful and stress-free life.  in the 18th century...Stress is Associated With the Sciences
‘Stress’ is commonly used in the physical sciences, including engineering and physics. items under stress would crack or break...and by 1946 ""stress"" becomes a Psychological Concept and psychological term....doctors found that, like objects, people can also crack under stress...and living a simplified life can eleviate stress.  so whether it's toxic relationships, negative thoughts, or unhealthy work environments or physical things like mounds of paperwork or messy environments...take back the control and make the decisions to de-stress your life"