research shows most people will go back to their homes if they forgot something (when taking a trip)
word of the day
have you seen the no spot giraffe?  what other unusual animals do you know of?
how often do you wear your seatbelt
game: a.i. cover songs
best music videos of all time ( list)
yearbooks used to list pet peeves
game: commercial songs
do you always sleep on the same side of the bed...even when traveling?
game: guess that celebrity voice
goodbye/fun facts....national secondhand clothing day...How many times have you bought an item of clothing, only to wear it once or twice or even never??  Unfortunately, there’s a stigma surrounding secondhand clothing stores...but buying secondhand shopping saves you money, has a positive impact on the environment, and if done correctly, can certainly lead to a closet of some cool new duds...and many local secondhand stores are set up as a nonprofit raising additional funds for local needs in the community. and now...Shoppers can now browse secondhand clothing on websites and Facebook pages.