will you avoid a ff restaurant if it doesn't have a drive thru?
word of the day
travel tips to avoid the chaos
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another edition of "things that people think are the same but aren't" 
what product(s) from your childhood would you rush out and buy if they brought them back
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would you tell security if your friend was the one behaving badly at a concert?
feel good story of the day
game: everybody knows
goodbye/fun mahjong day...The 19th-century game of strategy became popular in the United States in the 1920s. While  the game is played with tiles, it’s much like rummy. There are a variety of styles of Mahjong, including American, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japanese, just to name a few.  mahjong was invented in 19th century china...Traditionally, it’s a four-player game..In Chinese, the name is translated as ‘sparrow.’ It’s said that the clacking of the tiles resembles the sounds these birds 1937 The National Mah Jongg League is Formed with the first American Mahjong rulebook...and you can learn to play for free through YouTube videos or on a smartphone app