game: $5 trivia
what was the last song you couldn't get out of your head?
time change is coming
game: 5 year old trivia
have you ever been scammed into a ponzi or pyramid scheme?
work out with your dog!
game: mindtrap
what fun things does your company do for you?
lifehacker...'dramatic situations' in likey are you to actually survive quicksand?
have you ever broken something just so you could fix it?
goodbye/fun facts....national flapjack day...while the terms pancake and hotcake are interchangeable, flapjack is technically reserved for those pancake-like cakes made from rolled oats or muesli and brown sugar then tray-baked instead of cooked in a frying pan then cut into squares, circles, or rectangles. Popular filling choices include blueberry, almonds, walnuts, and chocolate chips.