is easter more or less stressful than thanksgiving?
word of the day
what is something that is totally acceptable for kids to do - that you wish was more acceptable for adults?
game: battle of the sexes part 1
game: battle of the sexes part 2
ramp up your deviled eggs for easter
what's one of your favorite inventions?
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good housekeeping article...friends on the job
goodbye/fun facts....National Bavarian Crepes Day.... They are typically made from wheat flour or buckwheat flour, then filled, rolled, and then often topped with a glaze, fruit, chocolate or whipped cream. In Bavaria, crepes are called palatschinke. While similar to a French crepe, the Bavarian crepe batter doesn’t need to rest before using.  Crepes originated from France but, back then, crepes were mostly consumed as bread. The reason behind the popularity of Bavarian crepes is because they are generously filled with rich Bavarian cream....Since these crepes are made using eggs, milk, and flour, they are not only more healthy but also super tasty.