have you ever found a 4 leaf clover?
southern living's supermarket you agree?
would you wash someone else's laundry?
great money/financial mantras
game: think n sync
would you rather be super duper busy in the beginning of your day or at the end of the day?
have you ever been your own doctor?  (cringe-worthy stories)
game: mindtrap
if you were stuck in an elevator with a celebrity..who would you want?
how do you feel about the interview process?  
goodbye/fun facts....National Old Stuff the day when people across the country clean out their closets and garages, rediscover old treasures, and declutter their lives... Just in time for spring cleaning.  But you don’t have to stop at things — maybe you want to change an old habit or try a new activity.  Second-hand shopping was popular in Elizabethan England, where desirable upper-class clothing could be purchased at one of hundreds of London’s resale shops. Fashion changed quickly, and those with means purchased tailor-made garments or hired servants to make clothes for them.  Second-hand shops served the majority of Londoners, who could buy up the clothes cast off by the upper classes.  in america the stigma around used goods has largely, there are over 25,000 second-hand stores in the United States.