do you ever look at what your co-workers throw away?
word of the day
game: christmas everybody knows
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listener feedback break
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reminder to give while you receive this holiday season
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are you sad when you have to leave your fur baby with sitters over the holiday?  do you think they miss you? 
goodbye/fun facts....the 8 day festival of Hanukkah begins tonight! also known as the Festival of Lights. It commemorates the victory of the Jewish people over the Greeks in the Maccabean War.  why is hanukkah always celebrated on different dates each year? Hanukkah is always on the 25th day of Kislev in the Hebrew calendar. The Jewish calendar is a lunisolar calendar, which means that unlike the Gregorian calendar, the Hebrew calendar is based on both the Sun and the Moon. next year first night hanukkah will begin on Dec 25th.  during this festival a menorah is used and children play with a spinning top called a driedel and foods include: potato latkes, an egg noodle dish called kugel and brisket