real, fake, or this new holiday tree trend?
word of the day
game: mind the gap
if you could travel back in time...what modern luxury or item would you miss the most?
do you go to every holiday party you get invited to?
game: name that holiday song in 1 second
worst movie accents
hosting a stress free holiday party
game: guess that celebrity voice
true stories that sound like a lie
goodbye/fun facts....goodbye/fun facts....National Ambrosia Day...not the band...the salad.  originally a Greek mythological food, “ambrosia”, also known as the “food of the gods”. The Greeks believed that anyone who consumed ambrosia would become immortal. it was prepared with orange slices and coconut coated with sugar. In more modern times, ambrosia is made using pineapples, oranges, or mandarin oranges, and coated with sugar and coconut. Some even add marshmallows and then adding yogurt, sour cream, and/or whipped cream.