stay active during the holidays
word of the day
are you a 'never updater'?
game: movie quotes
would you quit a job because of social media criticism?
have you ever thought about serving thanksgiving soup?
game: password
would you want to live where you work?
do you decorate your car for the holidays?
game: think n sync
goodbye/fun facts....national scrapple day...a dish born from humble beginnings as the first pork food invented in America and has become a traditional staple of the Mid-Atlantic states. Scrapple combines pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal, wheat flour, and spices, such as sage, thyme, savory and black pepper. The mush is then formed into a semi-solid loaf, sliced and pan-fried. it's a great example of taking food that would otherwise have gone to waste and turning it into something tasty and delicious. If you’ve never tried it before then today is the day....but it seems to have started in 800 BC...The process of making dishes similar to Scrapple can be found in pre-Roman Europe...and the dish was brought to the u.s. by German immigrants to Pennsylvania in 1602...and if you don't like pork...try making it with beef, chicken, or turkey