birthdays/events BRANDI!
listener feedback break
word of the day
game: computer acronym
best holiday hits in history
foods to eat as soon as you start to feel under the weather
game: christmas song trivia
how to make your house smell like the holidays
next level lazy...what's the most recent super lazy thing you did?
game: christmas karaoke
do you prefer traditional holiday colors or trendy?
goodbye/fun facts....National Computer Security demands our attention because cyber security affects almost everything we do from where we bank, to paying bills online, e-commerce, and so much more! On November 2, 1988, Cornell University researchers uncovered an unknown virus lurking in their computer systems. Within four hours of discovery, the “Morris worm” virus invaded several other university systems as well as the ARPANET, an early version of today’s internet. since then engineers and computer experts from all over the world have been working 24/7 to make sure we all know about cyber crimes and computer viruses. we all must personally  be proactive to protect our online security. Use today to find out all you can about common sense ways to stay safe in cyberspace.