a professional baker ranks store bought pumpkin pie
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there are meatless burgers...and now burgerless burgers
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if you got a package intended for a neighbor...would you keep it?
games to play once thanksgiving is over (buzzfeed)
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goodbye/fun facts....National Homemade Bread of the first "modern" foods...​in 2650 bc...Archaeologists found evidence of Egyptians harvesting grain, likely for bread. in 79 ad...​Mount Vesuvius erupted, preserving both the Roman city of Pompeii and it's 33 bakeries.  in 1928 ​Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented a machine to slice bread. By baking your own bread, you can make it as healthy — or as decadent — as you want. It can be tough to find bread for those with celiac disease or other gluten intolerances....good thing hundreds if not thousands of DIY bread recipes are available