americans will celebrate thanksgiving and christmas at least twice this year
word of the day
what mode of transport are you using this holiday?
game: battle of the sexes part 1
game: battle of the sexes part 2
what do kids want for thanksgiving
if you think nfl is expensive...try going to an nba game!
our favorite holiday flavors
how to maintain your current weight during the holidays
game:  getting to know you
goodbye/fun facts....National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day encourages us to prepare for the upcoming holidays. Get together a soap and hot water-filled bucket, disinfectant, a sponge, and a garbage bag. Due to our hectic and busy lifestyles, the cleaning of the refrigerator gets neglected.  empty each shelf...wipe down the shelf...and only put the the food and condiments that are going to get used.  check expiration dates...Vacuum condenser coils...a step most people forget to do!