if you accidentally got waaaaay overpaid from your job...would you tell them or disappear?
martha stewart's tips to host a great summer soiree
game:  think n sync
if you could hang out with some a famous person for 24 hours but they did nothing but what they are famous for...who would it be?
enough with the neighborhood fireworks already!!!
game: password
listener feedback break
what was the last movie you walked out of?
how much are you planning on spending for the kids on back to school?
chick-fil-a is america's favorite restaurant for the 8th year in a row...they really have this whole customer satisfaction thing figured out!!
goodbye/fun facts....national air traffic control day...This day is held especially on this date because it is the anniversary of the day the air traffic control system was established in the U.S.  The Wright brothers’ invention — the very first powered aircraft — ushered in the age of flight around the world. Back then, aircraft were mostly used by the military and the civilian postal service but as aircraft began being used for civilian passengers, concern turned towards the integrity of the aircraft itself and the safety of take-offs and landings.  concern came on the heels of a mid-air crash in France in in 1922 The International Commission on Air Navigation (ICAN), under the direction of the League of Nations, attempt to develop air traffic control rules.  everytime you take off and land's not just the crew on your's also the air traffic controllers