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things your dog hates (and you may not even realize it)
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of course there is nepotism in hollywood but what about sports
game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grader
ashley parked her car in the wrong place and everyone freaked out
things that are considered rude in other countries
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goodbye/fun facts....give something away day...In the United States, giving is on the rise.  Giving benefits us all, too. It improves our community and puts much-needed services and assistance within the reach of those who need it most. The giver also benefits.  The day encourages people to give freely to others without expecting anything in return...and it can be your time...but it can be your stuff too.  300,000 – the number of items in the average American home. 1 out of 10 – Americans rent offsite storage. 25% of americans can't even park all the cars they own in their garage because they have so much stuff in there!!