do you know what all the keys on your keychain are for?
when you finally put your mind to something you can accomplish anything!
game: speakout
listener feedback break
buzzfeed...things rich people don't get
game: think n sync
funny/weird first (and last) dates
people who are "bullet proof"
when people text you read it in their voice?
why do we have 35 choices for everything??
"goodbye/fun facts....On this day pet owners that have lost a furry friend are encouraged to take time to remember their
Create a memorial stone for your pet and place it in your garden or walkway.
Plant a tree or flower in memory of your pet.
Donate to your local humane society or animal rescue group in honor of your pet.
Gather photos of your pet and make a photo album.
Draw or paint a picture of your pet or have a picture painted by a local artist.
Get a tattoo in memory of your pet."