what word(s) do you always have trouble spelling?
service industry is you can make it easier on everyone
game: quiz
game: feud
last howard johnson's closed...what stores/restaurants do you miss?
if you switched places with a friend/co-worker for the day what do you think would be easiest/hardest part of their day
woman found $36,000 in a couch she bought online...should she return it?
ever been so mad at a 'good friend' that you'd hit them?  (a florida man story)
according to good often should you wash your hair?
which of your past jobs would you never do again
goodbye/fun facts....national gardening (as exercise) day...gardening can be exercise by building stamina, helps with stretching and strength training!  due to technology/modern equipment many people rely on those things...but gardening is vital for both physical and mental wellbeing!!  it's a great way to get your vitamin D!  if you think gardening isn't exercise...try mowing and weeding and planting for a friend or neighbor!!