what's on your spotify (that might surprise people)
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we all need to laugh...who are some of the comedians that make you laugh?
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game: everybody knows
chores kids should be doing based on their age
a horse named sugar is so smart...she can get out of doing chores
game: mindtrap
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how early do you get to the movies now?
goodbye/fun facts....national prune day...Prunes are incredibly rich in fiber, vitamin A, and cancer-fighting antioxidants. What’s more, they’re also good for your vision and digestion.  If you’re not a fan of its texture, this is the time to be creative in incorporating prunes into your different ways to consume them.  this is the time to be creative in incorporating prunes into your diet...Butter can be swapped with pureed prunes in baking, which is ideal for vegan cakes.