places you really shouldn't use your phone
do we really need user manuals for anything anymore?
what do you find most beautiful in life?
game: slogan game
baseball uniforms with ad nascar?
what shows have you watched that you think others should see?
game: speak out
buzzfeed...great tips you many not know to keep you safe
mini jumbo tron...brilliant or a bit too much?
some people wear yoga pants and jammies..others wear club outfits to kids sports events...are either ok?
goodbye/fun facts....there is some debate on how and when the high five became part of our culture...most people say it was in 1977 when  the gesture was created by Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Glenn Burke.  He high-fived teammate Dusty Baker after hitting a home run.  Others claim in was in 1978 when the Louisville basketball team that started the high five. Did you know that the high five is a universal gesture? People on every continent are doing it! In fact, one guy, Craig Lewis, even quit his job to high five the world! He traveled to 36 countries, high fiving his way through them all