feel good story of the day
do you speak up when things aren't satisfactory when dining out...even though almost every place is short staffed?
name get Karen, Lorena, Luke, Thor, Alexa
game: quiz
game: feud
sounds your kids have probably never heard
foods that are good 'pickled'
what do you order when you go out that you never have at home
does your gps take you through 'bad neighborhoods' because it's the fastest route
first celebrity crush when you were a kid
goodbye/fun facts....National Floral Design Day recognizes the art and history of floral design. For thousands of years, floral design has been an important cultural art form.  From majestic, historic gardens to funerals to a bridal bouquet...floral design is a multi-billion dollar industry that brightens and uplifts our lives.  As with many arts, floral design has traditional roots hearkening back to Egyptian where the paintings, etchings, and carvings in tombs reveal bouquets made of lotus blossoms and buds.  Currently, 50% of flowers are sold by supermarket chains. Only corn and cotton crops are bigger than flowers.  there are many floral arrangement classes available thru park and college courses or on the internet