what would you give up on a flight if you could save money
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goodbye/fun facts....Sticky buns are also sometimes known as cinnamon rolls, caramel rolls or monkey bread. Known as “schnecken” meaning snail, the sticky bun is rolled into a sweet spiral resembling its German name. “Schnecken” are thought to have been brought to the United States by German settlers in the 18th century.  Sticky buns are fairly easy to make.  And there are virtually no rules as to what you can fill or top them with.  Warm spices like cinnamon, cloves, or even cardamom are all excellent choices, but you can feel free to experiment with other fillings such as apple or chocolate.   In the UK they make sticky buns with raisins and call them Chelsea Buns. but you probably should limit yourself to just one because Calories:  283 Fat: 16 g Sugars: 17 g