america's most watched christmas movies and tv shows/tv specials
worst things about winter
game: quiz
game: feud
do you drown your food in condiments?  which ones?
if a friend or family member gave you holiday decor that you didn't like...would you feel obligated to put it up?
how to clean and care for your delicate ornaments
are you an "attendon't"?
when do you reach your boiling point each holiday season?
great neighbor story (funny)
goodbye/fun facts....International Volunteer Day...a day that recognizes the efforts of volunteers in transforming their societies, economies, and environment.  The goal is not just to get others to volunteer for one day but to change people’s mindsets and attitudes so they become agents of change and work as partners to build a better world.  The first instance of volunteerism dates back to medieval Europe, where hundreds of hospitals were run by churches so religion and care for the sick went hand-in-hand. By the 18th century, volunteering had more to do with military service...In the U.S., volunteerism started during the Revolutionary Wars. It was more about ordinary people showing love for their country and supporting the war effort.  Following the Great Depression in the 1930s, homeless shelters and soup kitchens became a standard part of life in the U.S.  There are dozens of volunteer organizations in every community in can get involved today and start making a difference for tomorrow.