listener feedback break
internet hygiene suggestions
if you are going to quit your job...there's one thing you should never do!
game: battle of the sexes part 1
game: battle of the sexes part 2
healthy cereals that are no longer healthy
we're so informal in today's society...we even do this ______
besides "book learnin'"...what's the most useful thing you learned in college?
actually studies that have been commissioned
what's the longest you'll wait at a restaurant for a table
goodbye/fun facts....national chocolate cupcake day...Cupcakes can be traced back to 1796 when a recipe notation of “a cake to be baked in small cups” was written in American Cookery.  Bakers initially baked their cupcakes in heavy pottery cups...However, bakers today use a plethora of containers...regular baking cups, silicone baking cups to small coffee mugs, large teacups.  cupcakes are so popular now...Food Network has a reality-based competition show, Cupcake Wars.