should kids get allowance for chores, grades, both, or neither?
what's the best gas station/convenience store snack?
there are 5 types of workdays...which one do you have most often?
game: speak out
subjects even teachers don't like teaching
did you know you've been chewing your food wrong your entire life?
game: think n sync
favorite desserts
what would be the commercial slogan for your life?
do people borrow your stuff at work...and not return it?!?!?!
goodbye/fun facts....metastatic breast cancer day...October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While the awareness campaign mainly focuses on preventative measures such as mammography…today gives a voice to those who live with metastatic breast cancer.  Both men and women suffer from metastatic breast cancer which means what began as an early stage breast cancer is a stage 4 cancer and has spread to other areas of the body…the liver, lungs, brain, lymph nodes, and more.  While many breast cancers can be cured, metastatic breast cancer cannot. Not yet. You can learn more at