have you ever quit a job because of the boss...or was it the job?
game: think n sync
how to make 2022 the healthiest...according to good housekeeping
celebrity kids...what do they do now
unusual ways to make a living
game: quiz
game: feud
what the first big thing/project etc you want to tackle this year
things around your house that have other uses or that you can use more than once
game: word latter
goodbye/fun facts....Drinking Straw Day is celebrated on January 3 every year because on Jan. 3rd 1888 Marvin Chester Stone was awarded a patent for his innovation, i.e., the paper drinking straw. bendable straws were invented by Joseph Friedman. Friedman used to watch his daughter struggle to drink her milkshake using the paper straw, so he came up with the bendable straw, in 1937. Then in the 1960's With the rise of the fast-food industry, the paper drinking straw is replaced by the low-cost plastic straw. Then in the mid 2000's...plastic straws were named as a main source of plastic pollution...several states banned them all together and now offer things like reusable straws, pasta, or bamboo.