have you ever broken any of these 'office taboos'?
revenge oops...
feel good story...couple fostered over 600 kids
foods/restaurants non americans want to try
game: mindtrap
not everyone likes the 'pay if forward' drive thru chain...
what's the number 1 quality of a great friend
game: outburst
what did you try to do yourself then ended up hiring out?
weird things that make you look older
goodbye/fun's national ampersand day...curly, quirky little character is ubiquitously useful. the little glyph used to be the last letter of the alphabet. It is a ligature of “e” & “t”,,, “et” in Latin means “and”...It is impossible to say when this symbol was initially written down, although an early example has been discovered as graffiti on a wall in Pompeii, preserved by the Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D....and btw...situated above the 7 on the keyboard