would you be willing to quit your job if you could be a remote worker?
who won the prize? the person who bought the soda or the person who drank the soda?
which 2 artists would you like to see sing a duet together (like lady gaga and tony bennett)
are you a 'morning person'? how do you feel when you wake up?
what 'trash tv' are you embarassed to admit you watch? (the bachelor? real housewives?)
game: quiz
game: feud
insurance companies list excuses clients have for needing replacement phones (beside dropping in toilet)
when do you start your holiday shopping?
what's 'timeboxing' and will help procrastinators?
goodbye/fun facts....national pepperoni pizza day...Pizza might be most heavily associated with Italy, but the pepperoni pizza is purely American. Served on more than a third of American pizza orders, it’s the U.S.’s favorite topping...between Pizza Hut, Papa John's, and Domino's...they dominate 70% of the U.S. pizza market!!