what's one thing you wish had NOT been invented
has anyone ever thrown stuff in your backyard...constantly?
game: pyramid
are you a strict parent...were your parents strict?
are we ever going to blow out birthday candles again?
retail therapy...what's your post pandemic shopping spree?
are your tipping habits normal?
game: what year was it?
what have you wanted to learn but still haven't
coolest thing your parents did
goodbye/fun facts.... National Kindergarten Day honors the birthday of the man who started the first Kindergarten. .Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel... started the very first Kindergarten in Germany in 1837. the word kindergarten which means garden for the children..Frobel was a German teacher and he recognizing that children learn through play and experience....In 1856, Watertown, Wisconsin, opened the first kindergarten in the United States... Embrace your own inner child and don’t be afraid to be silly!