funny holiday traditions
healty habits to start now
what emoji do you use most
game: movie password
what holiday song are you sick of alreay
interesting holiday traditions in a few of our states here in the u.s.
game: 3 year old
lopsided gifts
if you want to start investing...try this instead of the stock market
things NOT to skimp or 'cheap out' on
goodbye/fun facts....World Trick Shot Day. Trick shots are not only entertaining, but they’re also inspiring. Gravity-defying feats of physics take trick shots to the next level and prove to us that the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves. the day was created by the Harlem Globetrotters to allow fans around the world to demonstrate what they can do with some imagination, creativity, a basketball, and a hoop. They also invite and engage fans all over the world by encouraging them to make trick shot videos and share them....there are many many trick shot montages on the internet...check it out