yesterday was first day of winter...what's your most and least favorite thing about winter
according to people around the world...more reasons they think it's great to be american
game: password
holiday movies for people who don't like holiday movies
regifting "rules"
industry employees at popular places spill the tea
game: would you rather
any new (or new to you) tv shows or movies to recommend?
are you spending more, less, or more wisely this year?
it's not christmas until ________
goodbye/fun facts....National Cookie Exchange Day and the glorious occasion when festively-decorated cookie tins and boxes appear at cookie exchange parties. According to some culinary historians, our modern-day idea of cookies may have been a happy byproduct of cake-baking. The earliest modern cookies could have been dollops of cake batter used to test if the oven was hot enough. We know very early cookies came out of Persia in the 7th century, as this was very near where sugar originated, and Persia was one of the earliest empires to get a hold of it. Cookie recipes started to appear in cookbooks in the 1500s and baking became a serious profession in the 17th and 18th centuries.