is it ok for rich/famous people to give small donations?
worst "i left it at home/office" story
game: battle of the sexes part 1
game: battle of the sexes part 2
would you rather not get a company gift than get something awful?
what do you wish you could write off on your taxes? you won't believe what people said
what's your overall holiday budget
favorite thanksgiving sides by state
should bands still tour when it's clearly time to hang it up?
feel good story...mistaken arizona friends are going strong 6 years later
goodbye/fun facts....World Pancreatic Cancer Day...considered the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths. it's slightly more common in men than in women and has one of the highest death rates of any cancer—a mere 8 percent of people are alive five years after diagnosis...Mostly because it's so hard to detect in the early, treatable stages. what are the most common symptoms...If you have jaundice...especially combined with stomach or mid back pain, unexplained weight loss, new onset diabetes, or indigestion for more than a few days...make an appointment to see your doctor.