experts say there are photos you should always have on your, it's not food
what's your 'go-to' halloween costume
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phrases you haven't heard in a long time
game: name that bond
weird things you've seen in other people's homes
game: prison commissary price is right
youtube video helped save someone $163 by showing them how to change a battery in their phone...(ashley's $650 car part is actually only a $35 part!!!)
warm weather vs cold weather people
favorite halloween song
goodbye/fun facts....the first wednesday in october is always national pumpkin seed day. Surprisingly, pumpkin seeds have been valued for their dietary and medicinal properties for thousands of years. In fact, pumpkin seeds have been traced back as far as 7000 BC, according to archeologists excavating a tomb in central Mexico. Pumpkin Seeds are one of the most nutritious plant-based foods. A quarter-cup serving alone includes an immune-boosting 17% of an adult’s daily allowance of zinc and a robust red blood cell-supporting 15% of the iron needed. you can make your own or buy them readily at most grocery stores nowadays!