new app predicts how long you'll you want to know?
ashley and brad play outburst
is someone's food preferences a dating deal breaker?
what's something everyone can do...but you can't (ashley can't snap)
have you ever lived in the shadow of a family member?
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sports teams are doing and now weddings are too...cardboard cutouts
ashley and brad play blunderful
should minors be banned from buying junk food?
vinyl is outselling cd' album to listen to on vinyl
goodbye/fun facts....national "thank you" day...not be confused with "national thank you note" day...Though we should always remember to be thankful every day, today, especially, expressing a sentiment of thanks to those around you can potentially change someone’s day for the better. On this day, take the time to thank those people who have done things to support you and to make your life much better. Whether it’s a co-worker, neighbor, friend, or family member, remember to say thank you!