how can I handle differing opinions at family events?
movie continuity errors
things you should stop doing in your 20's
what's the number one thing you remember arguing with your sibling about
the average person gets 17 bug bites a you have a solution to deal with the itching/pain
ashley and brad play password
which country drinks the most coffee? America isn't even in the top 10!
how to you keep nosy people out of your business?
parenting pointers with dr. claudia...why do kids have to "get ready for school" at home?
the nfl used to punish teams for "fake crowd noise" they encourage it
goodbye/fun facts....TOILET PAPER AND LIQUID SOAP _ In a normal year we wouldn’t celebrate these things, but there are a couple of special birthdays this weekend:

• 155 years ago this Saturday (August 22) William Sheppard of New York was granted patent number 49,561 for his “Improved Liquid Soap”. Fast forward to 1980 and entrepreneur Robert R. Taylor began selling pump soap under the brand name of Softsoap.

• Sunday (August 23) is 130th anniversary of toilet paper on a dispensing roll, patented by the founders of today’s Scott Brand of paper products.