compliment challenge...could you do it without coming across as cheesy?
what do you do when you bump into someone but you can't "place" them
ashley and brad play "pyramid"
what do you look forward to when you have the house to yourself
habits to increase your energy
people who let their dog poop in your yard
biggest regret(s) of your life
laziest countries in the world
parenting pointers with dr. claudia... the new generation of co-parenting
are you the kind of person that tells someone their fly is open
goodbye/fun facts....unusual instruments day....that the earliest recorded music instruments are about 42,000 years old? Found in a cave in Germany, these flutes were made of bird bones and mammoth ivory. Learn about uncommon instruments. Some examples include the Theremin, Xaphoon, Daxophone, American Fotoplayer and Bowfrideaphone....if you don't know what any of those are...look them up on the internet and see if you have any natural talent for playing them!